Late pickups will result in a charge of $10.00 at 5:01 pm and $1.00 for every minute after 5:01pm. THIS PAYMENT MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME OF YOUR ARRIVAL.


The doors do not open until 7:00am. If you arrive before 7:00am you will be charged $10.00, added to your tuition for the day.


In determining closings for inclement weather, we will consider public school closings in our area, road conditions, and the safety of our students and staff. Should bad weather or lack of power or water, cause us to close or open later, we will post closing on our Facebook page, and Text.


Children who show signs of illness MUST NOT be brought to school. We will call you to pick up your child with a fever above 101.0 degrees or higher. Please do not send children to school if they have fever, deep cough, wheezing, diarrhea, or have been vomiting the previous 24 hours. Your child MAY NOT return to school for 24 hours if they were sent home for fever, vomiting, or diarrhea.


The school provides free screening for children who might have special needs. The teacher or Director may recommend testing if they think it is needed. Most of the testing and therapies can be done at the school.


Weekly payments are due on or before the first day your child attends.  If your payment is not received after 1 week of due date, you will be charged $10.00.  Tuition is considered late when it is (5) days overdue.  After a balance is (14) days past due, the entire balance must be paid in full before your child/children may return to school.  Tuition is paid for days scheduled by parents at the beginning of enrollment when absent or present.